Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dear Avery,
Today was a good day. I laughed and smiled more than I have in awhile. It was my DL day at school so I was able to go on a date with your dad for lunch. We met each other at O'Charleys and it was delicious. I have been nervous about sleeping away from him for awhile, but it's not so bad. The beds are really cozy at my hotel, so I know we are going to sleep just fine.
The KYA conference that I took my YMCA Club kids to has been a lot of fun so far. Four of our girls prepared a bill on mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients and they blew the competition out of the water! I am so proud of how well they did in their presentation. They were chosen as one of the top bills out of the whole conference, so they will present and debate their bill in the actual house chamber tomorrow when we go to Frankfort. I'm going to try and get some shuteye now so I will talk to you later!
Goodnight xoxo,

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